Pamper a Hero!
“Pamper a HERO!”
Forest Villas Hotel’s “Pamper a Hero Program” for frontline workers helps the community.
The team at Forest Villas Hotel wants to say, and help others say, thank you to those frontline “essential workers”! Here is our chance to let them get away without going too far!
Call Forest Villas Hotel at 928-717-1200 and ask to purchase a one-night staycation gift certificate (for up to four people in the room) for a frontline hero. We will take your credit card number and issue the gift certificate. Gift certificates are available May 10th, 2020 through June 30th, 2020.
Tell us who you would like the gift certificate to go to, or simply choose the industry your staycation gift certificate should be awarded to such as Grocery stores, Hospital, Medical Clinic, Post office, Law Enforcement, Transportation, City, County and State employees, and we’ll pick the hero. Your name or company will be included on the gift certificate, or you can choose to remain anonymous. Our staff will email you the hero’s name of YOUR gift donation.
Gift certificates are $100.00 inclusive of tax. Any local company, organization or individual can buy up to 10 gift certificates at one time.
What a great way to pamper an essential worker with a beautiful, clean and sanitized hotel room with tub for soaking, private balcony for sipping wine as well as an outdoor pool and hot tub for relaxing. These frontline employees deserve a little pampering. Thank you for pitching in to help out!
For further information email cecelia@forestvillas.com.